How To Track Your Visitors Comprehensively

All of us want traffic to our websites; the more is the visit the more we get happy. But if you are getting incoming traffic to your website, that is not the enough reason to get happy because you do not have an idea that the incoming traffic is from your targeted customers or not or where exactly is it coming from. If you do not have an idea about this fact then you can never analyze the fact that which of your traffic generating strategy is working. There are many internet marketing personals that are happy enough to track the traffic from wherever it comes. If you are such person who are spending huge amount of money on internet marketing but does not bother to track the traffic then you are basically wasting your money.

You will never have any fruitful outcome from such initiatives. An idea about which internet making campaign will help you to get the potential traffic is very crucial. Tracking your visitors is not a very difficult task; there are many services that will track your visitors for your website. You can easily find one of such service provider if you search over the net. There are quite affordable, but there are many such service providers who can make a hole in your pocket. So you need to choose wisely. If you are running small business than it is not necessary to go for such service providers, you can easily track it out yourself.


Image Source: Pixabay

How to track your traffic yourself?

One of the techniques that are going to be helpful in comprehensively tracking your visitors is Google Analytics. This is a free service that is provided by Google and many of the internet marketing service providers are using this service.  The best part of it is that it will track your visitors and will provide you with a complete statistic. The result of Google analytics can baffle you initially, but if you put some time to research on the result than it can be very useful tool to track your traffic.

How Google Analytics Works?

To begin with the process of tracking you need to put the code to the website that you are having. These codes are different for different websites; all you need to do is to put the code at the bottom of the website of every page before you are closing the body tag. There is when the Analytics starts working, whenever you have visitors to your page it will start tracking down, it will also track where exactly are the visitors are clicking on your websites. You can easily integrate your analytic account with Adsense and Adword account to verify how the service is working for you.

So Google Analytics will inform you about all the traffic activities that you need to know. It is an established tracking tool that will surely help you out. The best part of such service is you need not have to pay single money to track the visitors. It’s free service.


About Author
Rajan is a technology blogger. He loves to blog about blogging, business, gadgets, social media, latest tech news and windows .
